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Order Complete

Your order was sent successfully, logged by our system, and a copy was sent to {Email:26}.

If you do not receive a copy of this message, or if anything below is incorrect, please contact us at 1-800-627-2366 with the tracking number below. We also suggest that you print this page for your records.

Here is a copy of your Relocation Inspection Request Form:

Tracking Number:       {Tracking Number:28}
Date:                  {Date:27}
File No:               {Client File No.:1}
Client Contact:        {Client Contact (person ordering):2}
Client:                {Client (company):3}
Phone:                 {Phone:4}
Email:                 {Email:26}

Property Description:  {Property Description:7}
Last Name:             {Last Name:9}
First Name:            {First Name:8}
Contact Phone Work:    {Contact Phone Work:10}
Contact Phone Home:    {Contact Phone Home:11}
Address:               {Address:12}
City/State/Zip:        {City, State, Zip:13}
Contact Person:	       {Contact Person:14}
Access Property:       {Access Property Through:15}

Inspection Requested:  {Inspection Requested:18}

Agent Contact #'s:
{Agent Contact #'s:16}


If any of the above information is incorrect, please call us immediately at 1-800-627-2366 with your tracking number.

Thank you.